Archive for August 2019

Seeing Through a (Rearview) Mirror Dimly

Driving requires that I look forward through the windshield. This is generally a good idea. Were I to use my rearview mirror as a way to navigate my way forward, my traveling would be made more complicated. But the use of the rearview mirror is not without its merit. Moreover, by comparison, I typically use…

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Create Compassionate Spaces

What does it really mean to know someone – and to allow yourself to be known? What it root of shame and how do we reframe that story to experience compassion? Those questions, what on earth neuroplasticity is, and much more this week as Jessica chats with her friend, mentor, and special guest, Curt Thompson.

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Created for Connection

In this episode, you’ll explore: – The immensely hopeful discoveries of neuroscience showing that small, daily choices can alter the anatomy of our brain – changing how we think, and ultimately, changing who we are. – How God has created human beings for connection – with Him, with others, and ourselves…and how to cultivate these…

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What Does It Mean for Us to Be Known?

In this podcast, we hope you will discover: – How Curt chose to become a psychiatrist and what it entails to become one. – Why neuroscience, or the study of structure of the brain and nervous system, is extremely supportive of the entire biblical narrative, especially what is seen in the first few chapters of…

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Download a FREE Chapter

Curt’s newest book, The Deepest Place, is now available for preorder from your favorite bookseller. Provide your email address below to receive a free download of the first chapter – and email updates along the way.

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