Archive for April 2020

Beauty Will Save the World

April 28, 2020 ________ In all that awakens within us the pure and authentic sentiment of beauty, there is, truly, the presence of God. There is a kind of incarnation of God in the world, of which beauty is the sign. –Simone Weil ________ Anxiety. Anger. Fatigue. Grief. And now, we even sense our and others’…

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Inflammation of the Heart

April 21, 2020 We’re sick of it. Just sick of it. And sick would be the proper word. A word that points to so much of what we are feeling in response to COVID-19, so much of what is contained, ultimately in the process that we are each undergoing in our own way. And that…

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A Body of Work

April 15, 2020 A Body of Work By now, most of us have noticed. And either we or someone we know is talking about it. Zoom fatigue. Irritability. No fever, cough or body aches necessary. Just the normal, run-of-the-mill symptoms of social distancing. And mostly, people are describing how much more exhausted they are at…

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Love and Lament in March Madness

March 24, 2020 I will alert you now: This post is more like a short essay, as its length attests. But I hope you will read it in its entirety. I’m guessing you might have more time on your hands these days, although perhaps not if you are now homeschooling your children when two weeks…

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Love and Lament in March Madness

“The crisis is not just creating anxiety, it’s revealing anxiety.”    – Dr. Curt Thompson This podcast is one of the most important podcasts Restoring the Soul has produced. COVID-19, also known as the Coronavirus, is not just an infectious disease…it is the source of what defines the current reality of much of the world. Fear, anxiety,…

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